Disclosure of COI

Based on the bylaws of JSSX, a person to whom this applies must disclose a conflict of interest (COI) when presenting with respect to any of items (1) to (8) below if any of the below criteria are exceeded. The declarant himself/herself is responsible for his/her self-declarations and the content thereof.

  • Positions held as an officer, advisor, or employee of a corporation, incorporated entity, or for-profit organization (when income associated with a position is 1 million JPY or more and including when the person is a corporate researcher with a position as a graduate student)
  • Ownership of company stock (when annual profit from the shareholdings is 1 million JPY or more)
  • Patent royalties received from a corporation, incorporated entity, or for-profit organization (when they total 1 million JPY or more)
  • Daily allowances for time and effort paid by a corporation, incorporated entity, or for-profit organization to attend (present/publish at) the conference (the person receives lecture fees, gratuities, etc. of 500,000 JPY or more per year from one such entity)
  • Manuscript fees paid by a corporation, incorporated entity, or for-profit organization for the writing of pamphlets etc. (when 500,000 JPY or more is received from a single entity in a year)
  • Research grants provided by a corporation, incorporated entity, or for-profit organization (when 2 million JPY or more is received from a single entity in a year)
  • Endowed courses sponsored by a corporation, incorporated entity, or for-profit organization
  • Travel expenses other than for the above (when totaling 50,000 JPY or more per year from one entity), receipt of gifts and, acceptance of visiting researcher positions etc.

Disclosure method

  • Oral presentation
    Please display it on the second slide of the presentation slide (next to the title slide).
  • Poster presentation
    Please present the same content as in the case of oral presentation in the lower right corner of the poster.